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Raising Capital with Snowball Effect

We have a proven approach and access to New Zealand’s largest investor community. Grow your business, get started in minutes.

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We’ve raised over $200 million for Kiwi growth companies

We’re dedicated to making capital raising simpler and more efficient for New Zealand companies. Since 2014, we’ve partnered with leading Kiwi businesses to supercharge their growth, enabling new product launches, customer acquisition and offshore expansion.

Capital raised
No. of raises
No. investors
UBCO Bikes · Tauranga
Raised $3.6m from 141 investors

Access our community of over 50,000 investors

By partnering with us, you have access to a strong network of investors (including 2,600 wholesale investors). With a success rate of over 95%, our track record speaks for itself. We’ve supported companies in a broad range of sectors.

Food & beverage
25.9% of offers on platform
19.4% of offers on platform
Financial Services & Fintech
13.9% of offers on platform
Fashion & Consumer Goods
12.0% of offers on platform
11% of platform funds raised
9.3% of platform funds raised
Games, Art & Film
2.8% of platform funds raised
2.8% of platform funds raised
Health, Sciences & Nutrition
2.8% of platform funds raised

"The team at Snowball are highly professional and competent. They're the no-brainer option if you're a quality company and want a value-add capital raise process and access to a large investor audience."

John Bolton, Squirrel Founder and CEO

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An unbeatable process

Kick-off your capital raise with confidence. Our streamlined approach has been shaped by more than 100 capital raises.

  • Easy engagement

    We understand the challenges business leaders face and we’ll discuss your capital raising goals in plain English. The first step to setting up your capital raise is a simple, no-obligation chat about what you’re trying to achieve. If we don’t think Snowball Effect is the best partner for you, we’ll point you in the right direction.

  • Offer structure

    There are many different ways to structure your capital raise. Our experienced team will suggest an offer approach that delivers the best outcome for your business, and we’ll support you to develop the offer’s legal documents, content and marketing plan.

  • Market testing

    We’ll test the attractiveness of your capital raise with a small group of experienced investors before it goes live. This helps us refine and improve the offer in advance of the raise becoming available. We’ll also consult our Screening Committee for feedback and approval to market your offer.

  • Efficient management

    Our highly-skilled team will lead the day-to-day management of your capital raise from start to finish, coordinate the promotion of the offer, manage investor questions and make sure the raise is a success.

  • Compliance made easy

    We take care of your compliance obligations relating to your capital raise, specifically concerning Anti-Money Laundering. We have well-tested systems to make this process efficient and straightforward. We’ll also obtain legal advice to confirm that all offer documentation satisfies our legal requirements and standards.

  • Value-add raise services

    Efficiency is important at every step, and our additional services aim to take the stress out of managing new shareholders. We offer a nominee service and a stakeholder management platform called Orchestra that both make the post raise process simple and straightforward.

Raise types well-suited to your company

Our fees vary depending on the level of support you need, but our expert team and an exceptional network of investors come as standard. We pack more value into every option than any other capital raising platform in New Zealand.

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Top up
6% of offers are top up

Our top up service allows you to complete your round quickly, or take in over subscriptions from our extensive private investor network.

Bison Jacks

Raised $800,000 through a top up facility
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Public offer
46% offers are public

Our most fulsome capital raising package that we offer. We work with you to develop your capital raise strategy from scratch to ensure you’re set to take your offer to market.


Raised $3.35m through a public offer raise in 2020
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Private offer
48% offers are private

A private offer allows you to restrict access to a defined audience or our private investor network. You can still make the offer to retail investors without requiring a product disclosure statement.


A total of $12m raised across three private offers

Our raise services

Our proven process provides you with a range of services, ensuring support all the way through from pre-raise, raise, to post-raise.

Show raise services

Pre-raise services

We offer a range of pre-raise services to ensure the best opportunity for a successful raise.

  • Investment material: Development and design of your Information Memorandum.
  • Legal review: We’ll work with you and your lawyers to ensure that the legal documentation is fit for purpose.
  • Due diligence: Preparation for investor due diligence is key - we’ll support you to get the critical information together in a suitable format.
  • Market testing: We will get feedback from friendly investors who are familiar with the sector that your business operates in.
  • Investor line-up: Whether you’re raising from the general public, or from a small handful of private investors, you’ll be ready to go to market with confidence.

Costs can vary depending on the type of capital you’re raising, and the quality of information you have ready to go.

Raise services

We tie our success to your success. Our fees are primarily based on you successfully raising the capital.

  • Compliance: Anti-money laundering (AML) screening and ensuring all investors satisfy compliance checks.
  • Wholesale investor onboarding: Where offers are only open to wholesale investors, such as convertible note offerings, our team can help with the onboarding process to make things more seamless for you and your investors.
  • Investor events: Host in-person investor roadshows or investor webinars to meet with potential investors.
  • Investor engagement: Work with investors to answer questions about the investment, investment process, and arrange meetings with the company where appropriate.
  • Offer marketing: If you’re interested in reaching a wider audience, or keeping things more targeted, we can adjust offer marketing to suit your needs with the help of our in-house marketing team.

Raise fees vary depending on the size and make up of your capital raise.

Post-raise services

We offer a range of support services to ensure the management of your shareholders and any corporate actions is as seamless as possible.

  • Orchestra: Create and manage your Share Register and Employee Share Scheme on NZ’s leading equity and stakeholder management platform.
  • Nominee management: We provide a nominee management service keeping your cap table consolidated, while facilitates all corporate actions on behalf of the company to nominee shareholders.
  • Shareholder engagement: We will work with you to get their quarterly shareholder communications up and running, including reviewing the material before it is sent.
  • Trading events: With Orchestra, we have developed a white label share trading platform allowing companies to offer secondary trading events. Events can be held multiple times per year, with a number of methods available for share price discovery.
  • NZX listing: We are a registered NZX Sponsor. This allows us to work with companies who wish to list on the NZX. If you are considering an NZX listing, we'd love to chat

Depending on the nature of your capital raise, other costs such as legal review, AML charges, and bank fees may also apply.

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The right approach for your business

Your capital raise could be open to the public, exclusive to a carefully curated group, or available to our extensive database of high-value wholesale investors. We’ll suggest an approach that connects you with investors who understand and support your vision, and we’ll assist you every step of the way.

An expert team

You will be supported by a talented and experienced team made up of entrepreneurs, business leaders and technical experts who know first-hand what it takes to grow a great business.

When you work with Snowball Effect, you benefit from the breadth of knowledge offered by our 14-strong team.

Meet the team

A personalised approach

Just like your business, every capital raise is unique.

A range of options exist, and we’ll work with you to design an approach that efficiently delivers the capital you need. We do the heavy lifting so you can stay focused on growing your business.

Bespoke raise materials

When it comes to producing compelling investment information, we’re the best in the business.

We know the financial data, insights and analysis investors want to see, and we’ll help you tell a compelling growth story.

Marketing and PR

Our in-house team will make sure your capital raise makes a splash.

We’ll work with you to develop engaging marketing material that inspires investors and boosts brand awareness.

Efficient delivery of funds

You shouldn’t have to wait for months to access funds raised from investors. Our efficient platform collects and distributes investor funds quickly, so you can get on with growing your business.

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Start your raise with Snowball Effect

Fill out our company questionnaire to help us understand if you’re ready to start your capital raise journey with us.

Begin company questionnaire